Pittsburgh coffee week
event proposal form

If your business would like to host an event for Pittsburgh Coffee Week (PCW), please apply by Friday, August 11.

The PCW committee will evaluate event application’s alignment with the mission and goals of PCW. Evaluation criteria can be found below.

Please provide as much information as you have available at this time. If necessary, the PCW committee may reach out for further clarification.

Applicants who have been selected to host an event will be notified the week of August 14.

Pittsburgh Coffee Week Event Evaluation Criteria

Pittsburgh Coffee Week event hosts have the unique opportunity to showcase their business among local coffee professionals and the larger community of Pittsburgh coffee enthusiasts. Event hosts will receive the full marketing support of Pittsburgh Coffee Week for their event, including social media, advertising, print materials, and the PCW website. Additionally, event hosts may receive financial support and donations through sponsorships that have been secured by Pittsburgh Coffee Week.

When submitting a proposal to host an event as part of Pittsburgh Coffee Week 2023, your event will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Originality or uniqueness of event – How does this event incorporate a new or unique idea (additional partners, competition, unusual pairing, etc.)?
  • Inclusivity/accessibility – How does this event support an inclusive and accessible space for anyone interested in learning more about coffee?
  • Nonprofit support – Does this event incorporate some element of giving back to the local community through the support of a nonprofit?
  • Alignment with mission of Pittsburgh Coffee Week, which strive to provide a platform for businesses to present themselves, build community among coffee establishments, support and provide opportunities to local coffee professionals, grow and engage non-professional coffee enthusiasts, and increase the visibility of coffee in the Pittsburgh region.